Slim Expert

Preparations for women
60 capsules
Dietary supplements
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Product description


Slim expert™ is an innovative food supplement intended for people wanting to lose weight that contains substances with a synergistic effect.

The product contains such substances as:

  • bitter orange extract – supports weight management – carbohydrate and lipid metabolism
  • patented citrus fruit and guarana extract – SINETROL® – which efficiency has been proven in clinical studies
  • green tea leaf extract – increases fat metabolism, which helps in maintaining beautiful body figure; it is a natural antioxidant and has a positive effect on the functioning of the circulatory system and blood glucose levels
  • cayenne pepper extract – standardized to 8% content of capsaicin – responsible for appetite suppression, intensification of fat, carbohydrate reduction and increase in energy use
  • L-carnitine – mediates in the transport of fat components (fatty acids) to energy centres – mitochondria
  • chromium – contributes to normal macronutrient metabolism
  • field horsetail extract – has a beneficial effect on maintaining nails, hair and skin in optimal condition, which is very important when following a diet of reduced calorie intake
  • stinging nettle leaf extract – supports the body’s vitality; minerals and elements present in the leaves strengthen skin, hair and nails
  • artichoke leaf extract – supports the proper functioning of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and digestive processes
  • vitamin C (PureWay-C®) – a next-generation patented vitamin C – a microcapsule complex of L-ascorbin acid and natural plant waxes (fatty acid metabolites); stomach-friendly, supporting the immune system and enriched with citrus bioflavonoids. It has an effect on maintaining the proper functioning of the immune system, and helps in protecting cells against oxidative stress.

Did you know that…

  • Slim Expert™ contains superior-quality ingredients supporting a slim figure and increasing fat metabolism
  • the effectiveness of SINETROL® has been proven by in vitro, ex vivo and clinical research
  • Slim Expert™ contains only standardized plant extracts – that is, with a guaranteed content of active substances, which means effectiveness and safety

A huge advantage of the product is the fact that all plant extracts contained in the product are standardized – it means that, they have a specific amount of the active substance with a beneficial physiological effect.


  • Zingiber root extract (5% gingerols) 140 mg

  • Bitter orange extract 120 mg

  • SINETROL® (extract from citruses – orange, grapefruit, sweet orange and guarana) 100 mg

  • Natural raspberry ketone extract (98% ketones) (Rubus ideaus L.) 100 mg

  • Green tea leaf extract (98% polyphenols, 80% catechins, 55% EGCG) 60 mg

  • Cayenne pepper extract (8% capsaicin) 50 mg

  • Cacao bean extract (20% theobromine) 30 mg

  • Green coffee leaf extract (50% chlorogenic acid) 20 mg

  • Black pepper extract (95% piperine) 6 mg

  • Caffeine (from guarana and anhydrous caffeine) 143 mg

  • L-carnitine tartrate 100 mg

  • L-tyrosine 80 mg

  • Chromium 80 µg (200%*)

  • Horsetail extract (7% silicon compounds) 40 mg

  • Common nettle leaf extract 40 mg

  • Artichoke leaf extract (5% cynarin) 20 mg

  • Taurine 50 mg

  • Glucuronolactone 20 mg

  • Vitamin C (PureWay-C®) 12 mg (15%*)

  • Alpha-lipoic acid 4 mg

*NRV - nutrient reference value.


Ingredients: Anhydrous caffeine, zingiber (Zingiber officinale L.) root extract, bitter orange (Citrus aurantium var. dulcis) extract, SINETROL® [extract from citruses: orange, grapefruit, sweet orange and guarana (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck, Citrus grandis, Citrus aurantium var. dulcis, Paulinia cupana L.)], raspberry ketone extract (98% ketones) (Rubus idaeus L.), L-carnitine tartrate, L-tyrosine, green tea leaf extract (Camellia sinensis L.), cayenne pepper extract, taurine, horsetail extract (Equisetum arvense L.), common nettle leaf extract (Urtica dioica L.), cocoa bean extract (Theobroma cacao), green coffee bean extract, glucuronolactone, globe artichoke leaf extract (Cynara scolymus), microcapsule L-ascorbic acid (PureWay-C®) – vit. C, black pepper extract (Piper nigrum), alpha-lipoic acid, chromium (III) chloride, microcrystalline cellulose – bulking agent, magnesium stearate – anti-caking agent, capsule (gelatine – capsule, colour: E171).


The product is recommended to physically active adults as a food supplement which promotes the slimming process and facilitates body weight control.


Recommended use: 1 capsule twice a day, washed down with a large amount of water, approx. 30 minutes before breakfast or sports practice or otherwise as advised by a doctor or dietician. The product is intended for adults. It contains a high dose of caffeine!

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.
A varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are recommended.
Keep out of reach of children.


Pustynia 84F
39-200 Dębica
